Saturday, October 14, 2006

After sweeping the Oakland A's, the Tigers are heading to the World Series after a 22 year absence. And what a way for the Tigers to win the American League Championship with one of their famous walk-off homers. Way to go Maggs! I guess we should give the Yankees some credit; they did win one game against the Tigers!

And the question on everyone's mind in Detroit is "Who's Your Tiger?".

Saturday, October 7, 2006


The Yankees don't know what hit 'em! They're just lucky they didn't get swept! I miss being in Michigan and part of this excitement. Classy move by Leyland to let Bonderman try to finish pitching all nine innings. Detroit will be rocking tonight because "there ain't no party like a Detroit party because a Detroit party don't stop". Bring on Oakland!

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

What is the definition of the Fall Season in the South?

So, here it is October 4th and it is 91 degrees in Nashville. I can't help but wonder when fall will begin down here and what it will be like. Starting next week the temperature will drop into the low to mid 80's. Fall is my favorite season, but I don't think it will compare in color or weather to Michigan's fall season. I am not complaining that it is still beautiful weather here, but I need to get used to the idea that fall and winter will be so different for me. I have been ready to pull out my sweaters and sweatshirts for a month now!