Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Big Apple

I spent a few days last week in New York City. Yes, I actually got to go somewhere else besides Mexico! My company's headquarters is located in Manhattan in the Met Life Building at Grand Central Station. I stayed at a nice, but of course overpriced hotel in Times Square. I did all of the tourist sightseeing of famous NYC sites. Ground Zero was one of my visits and it was humbling. And to see so many people from all over the world there paying their respects was amazing. And to top it off I was greeted by a mouse at La Guardia airport!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mike spent several days in NY in late September - some type of conference for work. He took the train (first time) from DC to Grand Central and stayed at some hotel nearby. He too did some sightseeing and saw Times Square. You kids sure do get around.