Monday, June 19, 2006

Mexico Business Trip

I went on my first Mexico business trip with my new company last week. I traveled with 2 other people which was nice since I am used to traveling alone. All in all, good meetings, but lots of work to be done and I guess that is why they hired me! I had dinner with some of my Mexican friends from my USS days and had lots of laughs (and lots of margaritas!). It was good to see familiar faces again.

I moved into my apartment last Monday or should I say 'an' apartment. The apartment that I am renting was not ready for me to move into so I had to move into another one for the week. I got home from Mexico Friday afternoon and had to move into my original apartment that night. There is something to be said for not moving twice and I didn't even had to move furniture! It was still an inconvenience, but now I figured out relocating is not easy. The best part was the Tiger game was on TV. They played the Cubs and I get WGN so at least that kept my mind off of the move. Actually got to watch the Tigers all weekend put it to the Cubs. At least the announcers were having fun. At one point the announcer said, "The umpires are really having some difficulty rounding up some extra baseballs. They should have placed an extra order Friday night." The Tigers were just crushing the homeruns. At this point the Tigers are STILL in first place. GO TIGERS!

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